Privacy Policy for

Welcome to! We provide great PDF management services. Since 2024, we have focused on understanding our users' needs and creating tools to meet those needs.

If you have questions about how we handle your privacy, this document has the answers. If you still have questions, please contact us directly.


By using our services, you agree to our privacy policy. If you don’t agree with any part of it, please don’t use our services. For any questions, contact us for clarification.

Data Collection

When you use, we collect information to improve your experience. Here’s what we collect:

Information You Provide: When you sign up or use our services, we may collect your name and email address. We handle this data carefully and only use it as described in this policy.

Automatically Collected Information: We automatically collect information like your IP address, browser type, device information, and usage patterns when you visit our site. We use this data to improve our services and ensure security.

Cookies and Similar Technologies

Google Analytics: We use Google Analytics to track how visitors use our website. This helps us understand user behavior and improve our site. Google Analytics does not collect personal information. For more details, check Google's Privacy Policy.

Google AdSense: We use Google AdSense to display ads on our website. These ads help support our site. Google AdSense may use cookies to show personalized ads. You can manage your ad preferences or opt out by visiting Google's Ad Settings.

Affiliate Links and External Websites: We may have affiliate links on our site. These links help us earn commissions on purchases made through them. When you click on an affiliate link, a cookie may be stored on your device to track the referral.

When you visit external websites through our links, you are subject to their privacy policies. We recommend reviewing their privacy policies before providing any personal information or making purchases.

Why We Collect Data

We use the data we collect to:

  • Improve Our Services: Understand user behavior to make our services better.
  • Develop New Services: Identify new needs and create new tools.
  • Keep You Informed: Send updates about important changes and news.
  • Email Updates: Send newsletters if you subscribe.

We do not share or sell your data to third parties. We use strong security measures to protect your information.

Third-Party Integrations

We may link to external websites like Facebook and YouTube. These sites have their own privacy policies. We recommend reviewing them before using these sites. does not control the privacy practices of these external sites and is not responsible for their data handling.

Children's Privacy does not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13. If you believe a child has provided us with personal information, contact us immediately. We will delete the information promptly.

Data Security

We take your data security seriously. Data uploaded to our tools is deleted after one hour. We use strong security measures like SSL encryption to protect your data.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We may change this privacy policy at any time. We recommend checking it regularly for updates. We will post any changes on our website.

Continued use of our services after changes means you accept the new policy. If you have questions about the updates, please contact us.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please contact us through our contact page. We are here to help.